Non-refoulment and its limitations in the context of conflicts in Syria and Ukraine

Non-refoulment and its limitations in the context of conflicts in Syria and Ukraine

Dr Tiryaki’s most recent article about the principle of non-refoulment and its limitations in the context of conflicts in Syria and Ukraine has been published in Balkan Social Science Review.

The article is available here:

Dr Tiryaki’s paper “Uplatnenie práva na azyl v de facto štátoch: prípadová štúdia Cyprus”

Dr Tiryaki’s paper “Uplatnenie práva na azyl v de facto štátoch: prípadová štúdia Cyprus”

Dr Tiryaki’s paper “Uplatnenie práva na azyl v de facto štátoch: prípadová štúdia Cyprus” (Exercising the Right to Asylum in de facto States: A Case Study of Cyprus) which she presented at the Bratislava Legal Forum 2023 has been published in the conference proceedings.

English Abstract

Persons who have been forced to leave their home country for reasons listed in the provisions of the 1951 Geneva Convention relating to the Status of Refugees and its 1967 Protocol are entitled to international protection. The member states of the European Union are also obliged to provide this protection based on the provisions of the acquis. The question remains who is responsible if persons entitled to international protection find themselves in territories that do not exist as de iure independent states in the context of international law. The Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus is one such territory. Legally, it is part of the European Union, but the acquis (and thus neither the treaties) are not applied on its territory. According to the author, the legal vacuum created in the area of state responsibility for compliance with international obligations in the area of asylum can be filled to a certain extent by using analogies from the relevant ECtHR jurisprudence regarding extraterritorial jurisdiction. The conference proceedings are available below:

Slovak Abstract

Osoby, ktoré boli nútené opustiť domovskú krajinu z dôvodov uvedených v ustanoveniach Ženevského dohovoru z roku 1951 o právnom postavení utečencov a Protokolu z roku 1967, majú nárok na medzinárodnú ochranu. Túto ochranu sú členské štáty Európskej únie povinné poskytnúť taktiež na základe ustanovení acquis. Otázkou zostáva, kto je zodpovedný v prípade, ak sa osoby majúce nárok na medzinárodnú ochranu ocitnú v teritóriách, ktoré v kontexte medzinárodného práva neexistujú ako nezávislé štáty de jure. Turecká republika severného Cypru je jednou z takýchto teritórií. Právne je súčasťou Európskej únie, avšak acquis (a teda ani zmluvy) sa na jej území neuplatňujú. Právne vákuum vzniknuté v oblasti zodpovednosti štátu za dodržiavanie medzinárodnoprávnych záväzkov v oblasti azylu môže byť podľa autorky do určitej miery vyplnené použitím analógií z relevantnej judikatúry 

ESĽP týkajúcej sa extrateritoriálnej jurisdikcie:

Dr Tiryaki has co-authored a textbook on human rights for secondary schools

Dr Tiryaki has co-authored a textbook on human rights for secondary schools

As the Chair of the Helsinki Committee for Human Rights in Slovakia, Dr Tiryaki has co-authored a textbook on human rights for secondary schools. Her contribution focuses on the rights to peace and safety, freedom, freedom of expression, tolerance, and the environment. 
The textbook is available in Slovak here:

As the chair of the Slovak Helsinki Committee and Supervisor for Slovakia, Dr Tiryaki made a substantial contribution to the Human Rights Guide.

As the chair of the Slovak Helsinki Committee and Supervisor for Slovakia, Dr Tiryaki made a substantial contribution to the Human Rights Guide.

As the chair of the Slovak Helsinki Committee and Supervisor for Slovakia, Dr Tiryaki made a substantial contribution to the Human Rights Guide. Founded on the idea that everyone has the right to know their rights, the Human Rights Guide offers educational tools and resources on human rights for society at large and professionals and serves as a cooperation network for organisations and public sector institutions in the area of human rights education. 

The Human Rights guide is available here:

Dr Tiryaki and Mensur Akgün co-wrote a brief report is a result of the project conducted by Global Political Trends Center (GPoT Center)

Dr Tiryaki and Mensur Akgün co-wrote a brief report is a result of the project conducted by Global Political Trends Center (GPoT Center)

Dr Tiryaki and Mensur Akgün co-wrote a brief report is a result of the project conducted by Global Political Trends Center (GPoT Center), with the support of İstanbul Kültür Üniversitesi and Open Society Foundation-Turkey. It is largely based on a cumulative knowledge gained over the past year from meetings with Armenian Diaspora representatives from Toronto, Chicago, New York and Washington, as well as with experts working on the issue of the Armenian genocide. 

The paper is available in Turkish here:

Dr Tiryaki and Mensur Akgün edited the second Heybeliada talks publication

Dr Tiryaki and Mensur Akgün edited the second Heybeliada talks publication

Dr Tiryaki and Mensur Akgün edited the second Heybeliada talks publication, titled The Heybeliada Talks: Sharing Ideas from and for Cyprus. The publication represents a selection of contributions ranging from personal experiences with the Cyprus problem to the suggestions for the international community, which were discussed during the recent rounds. 

The publication is available here: chrome-

7 years after co-authoring the Quo Vadis Cyprus?

7 years after co-authoring the Quo Vadis Cyprus?

7 years after co-authoring the Quo Vadis Cyprus? monograph published in 2005 by TESEV in which she argues that rather than asking where the Cyprus conflict was going, it is going nowhere with a clear solution, Dr Tiryaki reflects in the 2nd installment in the GPoT Center’s Op-Ed Series titled “Quo Vadis Cyprus Forever?” on the current state of the issue. 

To read the paper, see:

The Political Feasibility of the Istanbul Canal Project

The Political Feasibility of the Istanbul Canal Project

Dr Tiryaki and Mensur Akgün co-wrote the 27th GPoT Center Policy brief, titled “The Political Feasibility of the Istanbul Canal Project”. The paper argues that the feasibility of the Canal Project is valid only after specific changes are made in the application of the Montreux Convention. However,  this may lead to an outcome in which the signatories would question the legitimacy of the Convention under present conditions.  

To read the paper, see:



Dr Tiryaki and Mensur Akgün co-wrote the 39th GPoT Center Policy brief, titled “AB-TÜRKİYE İLİŞKİLERİNİ NE YAPMALI?”. The paper claims that the internal turmoil that Turkey faces does not seem to affect its negotiations with the EU. Conversely, it is considered that the challenges regarding the rule of law may be overcome by continued negotiations with the EU. 

The paper is available here: